Monday, January 21, 2013 we go...

Welcome to here.

Sorry, I'm just...trying to feel my way through all this, so feel free to tell me if I'm doing it wrong. Point is, this is my no doubt pointless blog for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and its related fan content. If you have no idea who I am, join the club. But I've been a member of the community for almost two years now, and I've done quite a few blog posts over on Fimfiction, so...hey, this might work.

So what's this all about? Well, pretty much anything pony related that I can think of. I'm thinking of bringing over some of the old Fimfiction posts, cleaning them up and making them at least look more professional. Beyond that, the scope is more or less limitless. There's fan fiction and writing tips to cover, episodes and other official merchandise to review, and just about anything else I feel like looking over at the time. I hope you all can find something to enjoy over here. And I'll still be trying to keep up the Fimfiction blog, so if you don't like this one there's always an alternative.'s the first post.

...Man, I'm off to a bad start already.

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